Me: Mephitidae, what have you got? M: I DON'T KNOW!! MUST EAT! Bufo Americanus: wuh? Me: NO! Mephitidae, DO NOT! NOT FOR THE PUPPY! M: THE HOPPY HOP! GO IN MUH MOUF! BA: hey Schmoopie: GET IT? Mephitidae: I GET YOU HOPPY HOPPY! Me: *trying to restrain two dogs in opposite directions via collars that are not remotely tight enough to prevent squirming while also trying to cover Bufo* NO! NOT FOR THE DOG! DO NOT! BA: don' touch M: *squirms out of collar* Me: *grabs M with both hands* Schmoop: *YOMP!* BA: *SECRETE* Schmoop: ACK OMG BAD MOUF BAD MOUF GET IT OUT ACK DROOL ACK GAG ACK BA: Tol you Me: Told you! M: HOPPY HOP! Me: *covers Bufo, picks up M* * Goes in house to double check on toad toxicity in dogs* Schmoop: *DROOLS* *DROOLS* *DROOLS* *DROOLS*
Showing posts from May, 2020